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Re: [Non-MG] Re: This list being used for solicitations?

To: Carol <>
Subject: Re: [Non-MG] Re: This list being used for solicitations?
From: Kai Radicke <>
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 1997 17:06:01 -0400
(If you don't care about Junk Email, then you may delete)

>I made a similar inquiry of this list about a month ago. I, too, thought
>the list of list users had been hooked by somebody(ies). After a bit of
>discussion, and some more digging on my own, I realized that I had used the
>Use-Net (??) a few months back. It was likely from there that my name got

UseNET is the biggest possibility, the list archives are also another.

>Someone here also suggested several methods of finding some of these jerks.
>I'm using Spam-Hater right now. SH digs through the offending e-mail and
>sends a message of your choice to every site it came through... I wrote my
>own message because the canned ones in the program are pretty childish...

I emailed you (Carol) a list of things you could do after you mentioned
that you were getting UCE (Unsolicited Commercial Email).  The easiest
thing for anyone that is getting SPAMed to request that you provider filter
*all* known IP blocks from AGIS.  My provider has decided to filter all
AGIS traffic to the bit bucket.  

AGIS is the backbone provider for the largest junk email
companies...CyberPromo, Quantcum, TheHitMan, etc.  

Filtering AGIS and other spammers at the ISP level is the most effective
way.  You can also report spam email to these addresses:

You can also forward your ISP this information, and you may find it useful

You will also find other anti-spam ideas on these sites.

And if you ISP needs to find the IP Blocks to "deny" he can turn to the
Inet-Access List archives:  

Its in there along with 100,000 other messages on the topic of Spam.

>HOWEVER, some of these guys are getting more "creative" and have
>successfully been able to "fool" Spam Hater... 

Yup, I stopped using Spam is becoming too unreliable.

>AND most of these messages offer a "remove" option. At least the numbers
>are dwindling.. That's the best I can offer in the way of HOPE for any kind
>of remedy.

I will have you note that you should never reply to the "remove".  I did
this once and within 24 hours I had 10 more emails from the same
organization.  I was told that the remove is an effective way of
identifying *active* email addresses, and then they are databased, for
later use.  SaveTrees (part of Cyberpromo) still doesn't "remove" you.
And if anyone cares, last week (after AGIS disconnected them temporarily)
Cyberpromo announced that it was selling its master database of email
address, you can buy it for $995.    

>I don't think the messages are getting snagged from this list. Just my
>thoughts on the subject... And, if anyone wants a copy of the program, let
>me know... I found it at -- great resource for
>free/share/try software...

Tucows specializes in Internet software, Jumbo is much larger and covers
all computing areas... .


I average about 70 junk emails at my other address,
This is why I switched providers.  Dynanet also happens to be a AGIS


>>Since these are coming from different sources, I have to assume that
>>someone is sell our addresses.
>>Someone is using this list for commercial purposes.
>>That is strictly against the rules of this list.
>>Please stop.

Well if they are making money, I doubt they will stop...and it is unlikely
that a person is selling the addresses.  It may be some little software
program called a spider that looks for email addresses on the Internet.  

Ok Trevor, I know you'll find something wrong with my add your
stuff too 

If anyone wants more information email me at: 


Kai Radicke --, 1966 MGB @ 
Dialogue Internet - Intelligent Internet Solutions (Net Khan)

IRC:, #inet-access (my nick: ActiveX or KMR)

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