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Re: MGF anyone?

To: Trevor Boicey <>
Subject: Re: MGF anyone?
From: pat bailey <>
Date: Sat, 01 Nov 1997 07:54:14 -0800
> > The MGF may be a nicer ride, but it just doesn't seem to have the visual
> > appeal as the RV8.  I may be pickier than most people (the former art
> > student in me), but, to me,  with the "F" they just created another
> > Jellybean-on-steroids bubble-mobile car that looks so similar to
> > everything else on the road
>   Well, I think it looks like "everything else on the road" because
> it was designed in the same era as "everything else on the road".

Why are auto designers building cars that all look alike?Are they just
lazy?Do they think that just because 1 car has been sucessful if they
make a clone it too will be sucessful?Or are the buying public so bored
they just don't care?It's a shame that the excitement that the new car
season brought is gone,every year we would see "preview"articles on what
the new  chevy would look like  and would breathlessly wait for the
covers to come down at the dealers so we could see it!I remember going
into a showroom to look at the 59 Chevy and I was stunned ,look at those
fins!Wow 4 count 'em 4 headlights!It was exciting to a 14 year old kid.I
started drawing cars and cutomizing models(I even won 1st place in a
hobby shop contest)It just seems sad that this is lost.What is happening
is the average person is starting to see cars as nothing more than
appliances that had better just work and not give them any trouble.A few
"exciting" cars come out but the majority are "cookie cutter clones"I
agree the RV8 has it hands down on the MGF at least in styling and what
is a car if not an exercise in styling?I hope the next generation of
cars on the drawing boards are a little more exciting and this bubble
look will finally have it,s day.

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