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MGB sway bars (was Re: MGB vs TR7 as first...)

To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: MGB sway bars (was Re: MGB vs TR7 as first...)
From: Keith Wheeler <>
Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1998 11:28:16
Patrick Bailey <> wrote:

>Ken Roach wrote: I would fit a set of the
>> "Ron Hopkinson" style sway bars which are said to be quite an
>> improvement over the factory bars.  

>I haven't heard of these swaybars where can I find out about them?Also I
>heard if you over do it in the sway bar dept it will get dangerous and
>not be safety fast.

I don't know who handles this kit in the states these days,
I got mine from Seven Enterprises.  The "Hopkinson" kit (on
my '75 'B at least)  seems to be well balanced.  It does
wonders for a rubber bumpered street car, it's not enough
if you're running in DSP.

It's not "over doing it" per se that causes problems.
You can put some serious sway bars on an LBC (you should
see the one on the Spit I run against---it doesn't
look like a sway bar, it looks as big around as a
drive shaft!) if things are right.  If you aren't familiar
with suspension tuning and just put some big sway bar
on the car, yeah strange things can happen.  If you
have an MGB and want it to handle better and you
buy a kit from one of the big suppliers, you'll
probably be happy.

-Keith Wheeler

Team Sanctuary

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