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Re: America's True Daredevils "LBC owners"

To: Fred Krampits <>
Subject: Re: America's True Daredevils "LBC owners"
From: Art Pfenninger <ch155@FreeNet.Buffalo.EDU>
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 13:37:32 -0500 (EST)
Many years ago I was racing a kid in a Jaguar MK 10 sedan. He stopped in
front of me to talk with someone(guess which car was faster). I coouldn't
stop and ran into the back of him. Both cars were towed away mine a TR3
was able to be repaired his went to the junk yard. So much for the bigger
car winning all the time.

On Wed, 11 Feb 1998, Fred Krampits wrote:

> In watching the news with Brian Williams on both CNBC & MSNBC, there was
> a interesting report on what may be even a bigger danger to LBC's in
> America than the Brit's taking them back to the UK. If my memory is
> correct that a front end collision with a Sports Utility Vechice (the
> infamous SUV) you are 30 time more likely to die than the SUV owner. In
> a side collision you are 50 times more likely to die than the SUV owner.
> I can only presume that the stats are much higher for us LBC owners.
> Will this make me turn around and sell my beloved Midget. HELL NO.
> Wether its walking a tightrope, driving Leman's, climbing Everest, now
> LBC ownership is a deathdefying feat every time we take it on the road.
> And like the tighrope walker that would fall if he looks down, I'm going
> to watch out for these "Predators of the Road", but in no way let them
> hamper my enjoyment of my Midget.
> Fred Krampits
> "Adventurer, a True Thrill Seeker"

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