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Re: Steel wheel to wire wheel conversion

To: Dennis and Kathy <>
Subject: Re: Steel wheel to wire wheel conversion
From: Phil Bates <>
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 23:17:27 -0700
You'll probably have 100 people tell you this (unless they are all too burnt
out on it to say anything) - just don't do it.  Read the archieves if you have
time, but the bottom line is that it is expensive, the wheels are weaker, the
wheel supply is mediochre, and almost no one mounts and balances tires properly
on a wire wheel.  All you get is asthetics, and at quite a price (if you want
originality, it is actually an entirely different rear axle that has to be
fitted to the car, but you can adapt a standard axle with the right parts).
Figure approx.$1500 for a full conversion done as cheaply as possible with new
parts - you may save a little if you were to buy used, but it isn't worth going
used.  That said, I do have wires on my MGB, and I converted to them.  I don't
think I'd do it again.

Phil Bates
52 MG-TD replicar (VW)
58 MGA
66 Land Rover 88"
66 Citroen DS21 Pallas
67 MGB (with wires and overdrive)
69 Porsche 911T targa
75 Jaguar XJ12C
86 Honda Accord Lx-i (for sale)

Dennis and Kathy wrote:

> Thanks to a couple of guys in the Northwest MG car club, I am now the proud
> owner of a 1957 MGA.
> My question is, to convert from steel wheels to wire wheels do I need to
> change the complete rear end or just the axels ? What about the front,
> anything special there. This is my first MGA so it will be a new learning
> experience for an old dog !
> My son and I  sucessfully removed  the body from the frame after suitable
> bracing and ran into no snags.  Good first start.
> Dennis Skog
> '65 MGB
> '66 MGB
> '80 MGB LE
> '60 JAG MK1
> '58 MG Magnett ZB (soon to be parted out or sold)
> '57 MGA in process

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