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Re: Alternator mounting parts needed

To: "Bud Krueger" <>, "MG List" <>
Subject: Re: Alternator mounting parts needed
From: "wizardz" <>
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 11:04:39 -0400
Hi Bud,
   hhmmm... I'm just about to do the dead opposite.
Add A/C in.

Do you have the squarish bodied compressor that
somewhat hangs from the big adapter plate and has
the alternator kind of on top of the plate?

What bracket are you looking for? The little adjusting strap that
would go on the bottom of a stock mounted alternator?

Your top mounts should be OK as is, you just need bolts.

Could you, would you.... snap a photo or 2,3... of the A/C hardware
as installed as you start to take it apart.  Mainly, trying to
show as much 'position' and 'mount bracket detail as possible.
That is... dryer mount location, condenser plumbing
routing etc.  If needed I could send you one of those 'one use'
cameras.  I have a few, but very blurry, photos my A/C it's PO
took, but he really didn't show any system detail.
What I really need is what the stack (compressor/alt) looks like, hose
and ducting etc.

Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
To me at a minimum....  it's worth the bracketry  you.
I could possibly just send you mine as I remove it, or I'm sure
I probably have one laying around.


Paul Tegler

-----Original Message-----
From: Bud Krueger <>
To: MG List <>
Date: Saturday, June 24, 2000 8:37 AM
Subject: Alternator mounting parts needed

>The a/c is coming out of my 77B.  I've had enough of its blocking access to
>distributor, oil filter, overflow tank, etc., etc., as well as being an
>obstruction in front of the radiator.  The problem is that the alternator
>being driven from the compressor.  I need to get my hands on an alternator
>bracket (Moss MGB11, p. 8 #70, 460-315 [NA]) and an adjusting link, 460-325
>on p.8).  Would anybody happen to have these pieces?  TIA.
>BTW, after I remove it, I'll probably put the a/c system up for grabs at
>Bud Krueger
>52TD x2

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