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Re: Is the Air Pump Really Necessary?

To: Scott Allen <>
Subject: Re: Is the Air Pump Really Necessary?
From: Bill Saidel <>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 20:02:20 -0500 (EST)
   Not wiser at this end, only ahead of you on this issue...
A friend rode in my 76B with air pump and ZS carb...he said it felt like 
a middle of the road (size!)  motorcycle.

I removed the air pump, replaced the ZS with HIF's. I felt the car was
more responsive. He said it felt like a car, almost zippy. 
My engine is stock. My car is street. 

Take it off. Take it all off.

BillOn Mon, 12 Mar
2001, Scott Allen wrote:

> All,
> Subject sorta says it.  The air pump on my 74 1/2 went today, and I know in 
> the world of Alfa's, (which I'm more familiar with) the air pump really 
> didn't do anything but rob the engine of hp, so most people just get rid of 
> them.
> Here in Virginny my car is old enough that I don't have to go through 
> emissions, and therefore I am not subject to the OEM emissions equipment 
> requirement, so I can get rid of the stuff on the BGT if I want to.
> Do I want to?  What do the wiser heads then mine on the list think?
> Thanks in advance,
> Scott
> _________________________________________________________________

Bill Saidel           (856) 225-6336
Dept. of Biology      (856) 225-6312 FAX
Science Building      E-Mail:
Rutgers University      
315 Penn Street
Camden, NJ 08102-1411

"Sacred cows make divine hamburgers."

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