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Re: Why a B specific list?

To: "George" <>, "Bud Krueger" <>
Subject: Re: Why a B specific list?
From: "JustBrits" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 21:20:27 -0600
<<. Something I
really miss on the majorbozo based lists. :)

Speaking of "bozo", George!!  YOU are hereby appointed THE MAJOR BOZO of all

The gent that runs the autoz lists only does 80 or so and has VERY FEW
restrictions and does so for NO CHARGE.

Please do all of Listers a favor:

1)  Crawl BACK in your tiny hole.
2)  Unsubscribe from mgs.......
     ('course that is ASSUMING you read directions that came with you

Next??  Sell the good car and go buy some asian POC.


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