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Why Kai Bought a Triumph

To: "Bob Holton" <>, <>
Subject: Why Kai Bought a Triumph
From: "Kai M. Radicke" <>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 20:10:08 -0500
> >to crap.  My solution?  I bought a Triumph...
> >
> >Kai
> >
> I'm confused.
> I thought you bought the Tr***ph because you could not get the MGB
> Bob Holton

No, after riding around in MGBs and not really enjoying them that much and
then re-evaluating the condition of my car I decided I was disenchanted
enough not to undertake the restoration of my MGB.  Apparently, no one else
could be enticed into taking the car on either, so it went off to the

Although I still had the MGB at the time - I bought a Triumph rather than an
MG.  Will I buy another MG (other than an A)?  No.  If I were like half the
people on the list, I could have bought an(other) MGB for the price I paid
for the supercharger for my TR6... but let's not get into the mentality of
most modern-era MG owners.


Kai M. Radicke --
1974 Triumph TR6 -- Supercharged

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