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RE: New MGA and some dipstick advice...

To: "SCC" <>, <>
Subject: RE: New MGA and some dipstick advice...
From: "Gordon Bird" <>
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 21:25:45 -0400
Scott, I haven't seen your pix yet, but if you have a MK II you should have
a bend in your stick.  The 1500's had a straight stick.  I put 4 3/4 qts in
my MK II and it reads just a little above my full mark, but then my dipstick
has been welded together by a DPO.  I don't believe that I am overfilling
with the filter cannister (I have the orig) and the oil cooler.  But even if
it is, it leaks out fairly rapidly.;^)

Safety Fast!
Gordie Bird
'62 MGA
'80 MGB LE
'86 Audi 4kq

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