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Re: Fwd: MGC Sebring Car / Fraud

To: Bullwinkle <>
Subject: Re: Fwd: MGC Sebring Car / Fraud
From: Tab Julius <>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 17:36:41 -0400
He's full of it.  Unless you've done something else, other than just 
talking here, you are not violating Federal law (caveat: ianal).  If you 
wrote his bidder list, however, I'm not sure how appropriate that might 
have been - it might be bettter to talk to the ebay people instead.  If 
he's just warning you not to talk to the bidder list, though, I think he's 
on shaky ground.

At 03:54 PM 5/24/01 -0600, Bullwinkle wrote:
>Since I only got the copy addressed to me, I assume it didn't go
>through to the list so here it is.
>My questions are:
>1) How does one convert facts to opinions?
>2) Why is unsolisited information in the US mail, which I don't
>want, not classified as interfering in interstate commerce?
>3) What about warnings published in the newspaper by a State's
>attorney regarding fraud and deception by person(s) or businesses
>even though there has been no prosecutions?
>4) Why doesn't question 2 apply to the NET.
>mrbadger wrote:
> >
> > NOTICE: What is being suggested here violates a Federal law called
> > interference with interstate commerce.  Any individual or group who
> > spams my bidder list with unsolicited opinions will be prosecuted to the
> > full extent.  You may talk among yourselves all you wish and say
> > whatever you like but let's keep it at that, eh gents?
> > Thanks,   Derek Durst

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