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Re: MGB engine removal

To: Jp Plank <>,
Subject: Re: MGB engine removal
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 09:50:59 US/Mountain
I don't know if it is the best point, but the typical thing to do is buy 
two "engine lifting brackets." that are fixxed to the valve cover hold 
down studs.  I don't want to advocate any one supplier, but if you go to 
moss's website under engine heads, you can see a picture of it as part 386-
745.  That's the standard practice.  I've seen those studs bend pretty 
good from it though.  Further, you may need a load balancer on your hoist 
(or something like the "tilt lift" also available from moss, part 386-
730).  They're expensive, but can be well worth the money.  I know on my 
MGA, it is really hard to get the engine out without a device to change 
the tilt as it comes out.  It's even harder to put it back in without it.  
The MGB isn't as difficult.

Phil Bates
'58 MGA
'67 MGB

> I will be pulling the engine on the Rest Free MGB in the next couple of
> days to replace the clutch and clean and paint the engine and engine bay.
>  I have everything ready to pull, but have one question.  Where are the
> best points to attach to an engine hoist to a  MGB engine?  The engine
> has no hooks or holes like some other engines i've pulled and i dont want
> to break anything off.  Thanks.
> Jp Plank
> 1977 MGB 

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