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Re: In-car camera mount

To: Dave Wood <>
Subject: Re: In-car camera mount
From: Eric <>
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 2004 20:17:48 +1030
Dave Wood wrote:
> > Go to and click on the "In Car Movies" link
> > below the big splash image of the B-GT.  There is a LARGE (24MB) and a
> > SMALL (7MB) version of the movie file.
> You're right, it does take a long time to download, but the movie is pretty
> steady and it appears to be the right height above the windshield as it
> shows the road ahead very well.  The only problem is the driver driving on
> the wrong side of the road!

I have made the file considerably smaller :-)  But I couldn't make it
look like I was driving on the LEFT (not RIGHT) side of the road!  It
even calmed the audio down a bit - does my car really sound like that?

The first ten seconds that shows the vanilla/original mount shows how it
was SO unstable that it even made the tape mechanism rattle.

Adelaide, South Australia

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