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To: "MG List" <>
Subject: Headlights
From: "oliver" <>
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2005 21:03:55 -0600
Hi, all.

it's night, and i can't drive the car ;-(

in the last few weeks i replaced the ignition coil, dist cap and rotor, and
plug wires.  i'm sure that is what caused the headlights to quit working!
either that, or when i unscrewed the fuse box and that thing next to it (can
someone *please* tell me what it is and what it does???) to clean under

anyway, enough sniffling.

the parking lights work, and if i pull on the "flash" lever, the brights
come on.

should i buy a new switch, or go the laborious route of wire
troubleshooting?  is there an easy way to test the switch?

thanks so much!

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