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Re: weight problem!

To: Eric Hutchenreuther <>
Subject: Re: weight problem!
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2004 17:47:01 -0800
> "weight problem!" I thought that was junk mail so I didn't read it. If you
Heh heh, I had the same problem.  Went straight to the junk mail pile and 
actually had to retrieve it when I saw the original sender's address.

> What is the difference between ASTM A36 and ASTM 53?
I know that A36 has a yield strength of at least 36ksi, by the same logic, I 
think A53 is 53ksi.

> high is the frame off the floor when bottomed out? We are somewhere about
We didn't have 3 inches, and the damage was mostly from several roll overs.  So 
yes it's safe to use 1.25"x0.049" even through several roll overs.

> crushed tubing. Their is little reason to build a competition vehicle that
> lasts more than two years anyways...   Perhaps I should hold my tongue until
> the car has been rolled a few times.
We live in Oregon and we'd like the vehicle to last through several seasons for 
the new members to drive around and get ideas out of.  We can also use old 
vehicles to try new ideas.  

> Another arbitrary number: Our frame weighed 75 pounds when I weighed it. At
> that time I had about half of the brackets and tabs on it. I was really
When you clarify what you had on the frame when you weighed it, your value is 
much less arbitrary than if someone was to say "my frame weighed 24.56lbs".  :-)

The frame is definitely not the spot to save weight, I mean sure you have to 
design it somewhat intelligently, but even if you save 1/3 of the weight of the 
total frame you're saving around 10-30lbs.

To save some weight on the frame, we used welded steel panels to stiffen the 
frame rather than tubing.  Also, fairly thick sheet metal (8-14ga) is probably 
enough for gusset material; at least in FEA.

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