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Re: Floorpan repair

To: Nolan Penney <npenney@erols.com>
Subject: Re: Floorpan repair
From: Trevor Boicey <tboicey@brit.ca>
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 01:44:34 -0400
Nolan Penney wrote:
> I don't remember the proper name, but I figured you'd understand me using the
> phrase panel pins.  I was hoping that's what Eastwood calls them in their
> catalogs.  In any case, their like removable, reusable pop rivet.  I've no
> direct personal experience with them to recommend any particular type.
> > Thanks.  I presume "expensive panel pins" are generic Clecos, right?

  I've seen these panel pics, and I have a fair bit of experience with

  Both seem wonderful, but aren't cheap.

  If you are looking for a cheap solution, a big stack of speaker
magnets works great. Buy raw speakers and garage sales and break
off the magnets.

  They make excellent clamps when you can only see one side of
the panel and can't get a normal clamp in.

Trevor Boicey, P. Eng.
Ottawa, Canada, tboicey@brit.ca
ICQ #17432933 http://www.brit.ca/~tboicey/
Beavis, I'm a little disappointed in you.

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