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Re: Machine shop chatter (no lbc)

To: Bud Osbourne <abcoz@hky.com>, RBHouston@aol.com, shelden3@pldi.net,
Subject: Re: Machine shop chatter (no lbc)
From: "KGB" <kgb@frontiernet.net>
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 12:00:23 -0800
> I must commute with a couple of hundred CEOs every morning, judging  by
> nice cars they drive.

Most of the people in those big houses are mortgaged up to their eyeballs,
and probably lease the cars or they could never afford the payments.

Personally, I would rather be right where I am, living in my un-mortgaged 4
bedroom shack, driving my elderly Cherokee that I hold the title to.  Let
the Joneses drop down to my level.  I have no need to keep up with them.


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