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Re: ballast resistor

To: Jim Parent <jimparent@compuserve.com>, Steve Laifman
Subject: Re: ballast resistor
From: "Spontelli, Ramon" <rs11@ElSegundoCA.NCR.COM>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 1997 06:59:00 -0700
>  Firstly, they are not written by anyone fluent in English, and are
>  therefore mal-translations of the original instructions written by
>  someone who is classified as a "tech writer". The first
>  for a "Tech Writer" is to be unqualified for anything technical,
>  elsewise he would be more gainfully employed at a higher pay grade.

Steve, you are full of shit.

>  Secondly, since they know they are underpaid, "Tech Writers" take
>  revenge by writing un-intelligible instructions, poorly organized,
>  contradictory, and basically incorrect.

Nay, overfilled, you are!

Ramon Spontelli
Tech Writer

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