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Re: TR3 Thermostat

To: "Carl Musson (EVENTS)" <>, Triumphs List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: TR3 Thermostat
From: (TeriAnn Wakeman)
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 1997 13:40:49 -0800
At 11:10 AM 2/23/97 -0500, Carl Musson (EVENTS) wrote:
>Oh boy, I said that about the sleeved types and I must have gotten 15
>people asking me where to find them.  I dunno.  When I got the car there
>were 2 of them in boxes in the pile of parts.  I have used one and have
>the other for spare.  Didn't realize they were at such a premium.
>Anyone out there know of a source?

I'll also admit to being a TR3 thermostat horder.  My spares are not for
sale.  I purchased them from Ken Galinders at British Frame and Engine.  I
think he had the last ones commercially available in the USA, and I believe
he is out of them.

You can use a regular thermostat and put a restrictor with 1/4 or 5/16ths
inch hole against the bipass.

 possible alternative:

I just replaced the thermostat in my Land Rover and have it sitting around.
I compaired it against one of my TR3 thermostats.  Both are skirted with
same diameter and length skirts.  Both fit the same diameter housing.

The TR thermostat is mostly below the mounting flange.  It opens outwards
and the skirt sits below the bipass when closed and gets pulled up to the

The Land Rover thermostat has the standard inverted 'V' tower above the
mounting flange.  The thermostat opens inward,  The skirt sits above the
bipass and lowers to cover it when the thermostat opens.  Mounted in the
same flange mounting, both thermostats move the skirt to the same location
when the thermostats are open.

I suspect the 2-1/4L four cylinder Land Rover thermostat will fit and work
or could with slight modifications to the TR thermostat housing.

Since the Land Rover and Triumph heads are very similar (the intake ports
line up and they both have the same stule water intake), I wouldn't be
suprised if the Land Rover's upper and lower thermostat housings wouldn't
fir on a TR four.

TeriAnn Wakeman            "Large format photographers look
Santa Cruz California       at the world upside down and       backwards"

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