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RE: TR4-6 heater fan motor

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: RE: TR4-6 heater fan motor
From: Gernot Vonhoegen <>
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 11:54:11 +0100

> ----------
> From:         Linda Long (IM)[]
> Reply To:     Linda Long (IM)
> Sent:         Sunday, October 04, 1998 6:08 PM
> To:; ''
> Subject:      RE: TR4-6 heater fan motor
> Listers,
> I may be the only TR4 owner in the world that didn't know this.....but I
> was
> wondering the other 40degree morning why the blower on my TR4 is so
> pitiful
> compared to the blast my TR6 blower puts out.  Did some digging in my
> Triumph Sports Owners Association Handbook and found the following:
> "It is surprising how many owners do not realize that the scuttle vent
> must
> be open in order to get heat or ventilation to the feet.  Your TR has a
> fresh air heating system and the heat will not flow strongly, even with
> the
> blower on, unless the vent is open". >
        Sorry, what blast? I do have a 74 6 and even with the blower in
stage two it doesn't give more than a slight flow, surpisingly it is enough
to lower engine temp if necessary but not to warm driver. Doesn't matter too
much, there are jumpers in this world  but I think this system is far from
advanced, unless that is mine is crap for some reason.


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