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TR6 Tire Size - The Eternal Search

To: TR Newsgroup <>
Subject: TR6 Tire Size - The Eternal Search
From: Gary & Priscilla Klein <>
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 20:35:50 -0400


This past Monday, I took the TR a local LBC facility to get the front
end alligned.  Not bad for eyeballing it after rebuilding the front end
- toe-in off only .5 inch.

While there, we discussed tires for the car and they refered me to a
specific dealer in nearby Washington DC.  Today I rang the the
distributor up and they claim that a tire manufacturer named Vredestein,
makes a blackwall size of 185/R15.  (Inspection of the Vredestein web
site indicates that this tire actually has an 82% aspect ration,

The local distributor claims this tire is the correct profile as they
also claimed to be familiar with the original Goodyear/Michelin
Redlines.  So, as DC is not just a 10 minute jaunt from here, I was
wondering whether anyone is familiar with this tire brand and/or has
seen it in this size.  How's it handle/wear/look?  Any comments?

Vredestein has a website at:


'75 TR6

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