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Re: Consumer Alert: A AAAdvantage Auto Movers - BEWARE

To: Jeff McNeal <>,
Subject: Re: Consumer Alert: A AAAdvantage Auto Movers - BEWARE
From: "Michael D. Porter" <>
Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 02:31:20 -0700
Organization: Barely enough
References: <01d301bf69fd$60dcf900$>

Jeff McNeal wrote:
> Just to let all list members know -- I contracted with A AAAdvantage  Auto
> Transport of Tempe AZ, ICC 210561 to transport a Triumph Spitfire for me on
> December 7, 1999.  After 7 business days of not sheduling a pickup, I
> exercised my option to cancel the contract and demanded a refund of my $200
> deposit.  I was promised a full refund by my sales rep, her manager and the
> accounting manager.
> Two weeks later, my account had not been credited.  I called to complain and
> was assured that my refund would be processed immediately.
> That was over a month ago.  A AAAdvantage has not refunded my deposit and
> Ive disputed the charge with my bank.

A month or two from now, the car will arrive, and you will be billed. I
had the same thing happen with a company called All-States, located in
California. There are a lot of slimy firms in the car-hauling business,
and those two are among the worst. All-States is actually
worse--AAAdvantage responds, even if falsely, while All-States, once
they have your money, do not. After my experience last year with
All-States, I will not deal with a car-hauler until I've checked with
their local Better Business Bureau for complaints. 



Michael D. Porter
Roswell, NM

`70 GT6+ (being refurbished, slowly)
`71 GT6 Mk. III (organ donor)
`72 GT6 Mk. III (daily driver)
`64 TR4 (awaiting intensive care)

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