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The water thing

Subject: The water thing
From: "Philip E. Barnes" <>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 10:42:43 -0400
Enough. Water is real simple stuff. I hate to wave credentials, but I run
the largest ultra-pure water facility on the Cornell Univ. campus, perhaps
in Tompkins county, too. I know about water.

To purify water, you need to remove all the Stuff. Water likes to be full
of Stuff. Some of the Stuff is good, some is bad and it depends on what you
want to do with the water what needs to come out. For an auto cooling
system, water with dissolved light minerals is OK to a point and then it
starts to plate out. That's really all you need to worry about if you
insist on using straight water. The addition of an anti-freeze with
corrosion inhibitors solves virtually all the problems.

You want 18 meg-ohm zero-particle water? Start with city water, run it
through a filter to take out the chunkage, next comes a resin bed for light
mineral removal/ion exchange. Carbon tank to remove chlorine then to a
reverse-osmosis unit to strip out remaining minerals. Now comes the good
stuff; Mixed-bed de-ionizing resin, ultra-violet sterilizer (kills the
bugs), ultra-filter to 0.1 micron and an ozone injector to keep it clean.
Keep the whole mess moving at 10 gal/min. or so through the polishing loop
and you're all set. Let it sit for more than an hour and you get to start
all over.


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