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Still shimmies- I'm running outa ideas.

Subject: Still shimmies- I'm running outa ideas.
From: thom kuby <>
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 12:01:06 +0100
OK...since the last time we spoke, I've had the damn tires re-balanced,
wheels checked for runout etc. Two of the el-cheapo tires turned out to be
"hoppers".  The steel wheels themselves checked out fine.  The two hoppers
are now on the back.

Made absolutely no difference; thing still shimmies, the exact same way...
Strange thing is, running the car UP through the gears isn't bad...shimmy
is real mild.  it's especially bad when slowing DOWN from 65-70mph to about
50mph-right in there it gets real unacceptable. Scary actually...

Here's where we are:
1. front end is completely rebuilt - except steering box.
2. I have worked the adjustment screw on top of steering box: that helped a
little...otherwise have not touched the steering box.
3. frame appears to be straight, although I'm going to measure it up
again-for both racking and height.

- Any other tests, or diagnosis for the frame?
- Steering box? Would that sleeve bushing be suspect?  How difficult is
that to replace?
- Would it be easier/cheaper to simply replace the whole steering box?
- Would two "hopping" tires on the BACK of the car still cause this? (I
kinda doubt this, as the owner said this problem existed BEFORE this set of
- Could someone tell me what numbers they're using for front-end toe?  I'm
thinking maybe the Toe isn't set right - I set it EXACTLY according to the
factory manual, any tricks here?
- And what was this about the driveshaft?  does it really require
balancing? or is that so much "snake oil"? (and, if it does get balanced;

please help...we're getting closer to getting this thing resolved and this
list has been a huge help. However, my level of frustration with this car
is fast approaching critical's not very often I spend so much
time on any project and not get anywhere with it.  That's what this TR3A is
doing to me...and it's spooky as hell.  I really don't want to simply give
up and return the car to the owner, with the same ___king problem he
originally wanted me to fix...knowhutImeen?

Any comments?
 Please remember-we have STEEL wheels on it, not wires.

Again, the car's owner and I thank you in advance...

Thom Kuby
Porsche freak, with a TR3 in his garage...still

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