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To: <>
Subject: clutch
From: "Fred Thomas" <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 17:23:23 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: <>
Well, the clutch is working just fine, spent the better part of the entire
day, between the slave & master, rebuilt both, and they were both very
dirty, bleed the system, adjusted it in, then out, about 5 times, seems O/K,
go for a drive, same thing, come back, look up at the slave cyclinder and
the dumb mechanic/owner has installed it on the wrong side of the housing,
undo it, and go through the same process again and now she is just like
brand new, these cars are easy when you do the job right. Thanks to the many
replys, I can't answer whether it was the slave or master that was bad, but,
everyone had the right idea. Having a pit in the garage makes life much
easier.  Again thanks for the help.  "FT"

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