[Bmcu] FW: British Car Club of Utah

Eugene Jaroch bughous at msn.com
Fri May 24 16:53:31 MDT 2013

Anyone have up to date info for Pamela?




From: Pamela Borden [mailto:mspborden at gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2013 9:40 AM
To: membership at bmcutah.org
Subject: British Car Club of Utah




My name is Pamela Borden I moved here from MD in October of last year. My
uncle is RIch Sanders a member and has given me good information about the
club. I have a 1978 MGB that I am moving out here at the end of June. I
would like to become a member. I also have questions about the emissions
testing in Utah and wondered if you could help me. I read on the DMV website
that only 1967 an older is excluded. I am concerned as MD being as tough as
they were with motor vehicle laws never required me to  emission test the
MGB as it is historically tagged. Do you have any suggestions for me? 


Thank you in advance for your time


Pamela Borden

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