Hot Rods

From: Gary Winblad (winbladg(at)
Date: Fri Feb 03 1995 - 18:55:14 CST

Welcome to the list.. all the way from NZ!

> On the subject of replacement engines I feel that a Sunbeam without
a Sunbeam engine, unless it is a Tiger, is not a Sunbeam anymore, just a
hot rod. I will now stand back a wait for the proverbial to hit the fan.
Well, whats wrong with a hot rod?? If the factory could do it why not you??
And they DID that...
AND, when a Sunbeam gets old, is held together with duct tape and bailing
wire, is practically worthless, why not give it some 1990's technology to
keep it on the road.

> It is good to have a car that is
different from the run of the mill MGs Spitfires etc that are quite common

Yeah, I agree wholeheartedly.. its nice to have a "different" car!

Gary Winblad
San Jose, California '64 Tiger B9470622 '66 Series V converted to hot rod

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