(no subject)

From: nyclewit(at)nyhp03.serigate.philips.nl
Date: Wed Mar 06 1996 - 01:05:57 CST

To: alpines(at)autox.team.net
From: "Bert Clewits" <nyclewit(at)nyhp03.serigate.philips.nl>
Subject: chassis number query
Hi folks,

I got the following numbers on my alpine:
sal375865 on an alu plate
(which I understand is a Sunbeam Assembly Line number)
B 9402737 GT OD LRO on a alu plate
(which I understand is the chassis number)
And a number stamped in the body work engine bay below the alu plates:
Which is regarded as the chassis number in the oficial papers which
come with the car.
Question1: is that the real chassis number or engine number or maybe stamped
in at the customs ?
Question2: is B 9402737 GT OD LRO stamped in the body work as well
somewhere ?

Regards, Bert

 | Bert Clewits (Imp nut) G.P.Duuringlaan 40A |
 | Sunbeam Alpine S IV GT '64 7339 BV Apeldoorn |
 | Sunbeam Imp,Californian, The Netherlands |
 | Chamois,Stiletto Tel: +31-55-5331601 |
 | Philips Semiconductors Nijmegen NL nyclewit(at)nyhp03.serigate.philips.nl |

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