Re: Woooh! Can of worms!!

From: Roger Gibbs (rgibbs(at)
Date: Sat Apr 05 1997 - 12:33:14 CST

Guess it all depends somewhat on your perspective. Hey, I live in LA
and few places are better than here. The beach and surfing are 30 to 50
minutes away, the local mountains and skiing are 45 to 90 minutes away.
One of the hottest places in the world (Death Valley) is a little over
an hour away. Several of the worlds best auto museums are in the local
area. There are several excellent theaters and fine arts performing
centers nearby. Many excellent colleges and University's (becoming a
consideration now that our kids are approaching college age).

We live about 3 blocks from the edge of a National Forest (if you want
to call the local scrub-brush a "forest"). We have walked upon fresh
mountain lion tracks after a rain, a family of racoons live within a few
houses, as do skunks and possums. The sound of the local owl is evident
most nights, along with the chatter of coyotes.

Few things better than a drive in the local mountain roads on a warm
summer night with the top down in an Alpine, of course that is true
almost anywhere.

I do agree that there are too many people here. And I detest smog. And
there are other negative things that I could dwell upon, but would
rather look at what this area has to offer that is good.

BTW, I don't technically live in the city of LA, but just to the north,
in LA county (the unincorporated city of Altadena, home of Rodney King
and occasional brush fires !)

On the other hand, my work place is 5 miles away, the kids schools are
very good and nearby, and I don't have to endure any traffic at all ,
which maybe is a little bit unusual for the LA area.

...I really do have fond memories of going up to Griffith Park
Observatory on a warm summer night in the Alpine, top down to see/listen
to the Laserium show with Emerson Lake and Palmer music..


Christopher Albers wrote:
> Karl,
> hey, I live in LA. Anyplace would be better than here. Too many
> damn people. I'd go tomorrow if I could. Hopefully someday soon I'll
> be in a place to get back home to Virginia.
> Christopher

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