To modify or not to modify

From: Jarrid Gross (Yorba Linda, CA) (GROSS(at)
Date: Mon Apr 07 1997 - 12:30:00 CDT


There seems to be a bit of poop flying on originality/modified alpines.
Also, there seems to be a little bit of people flaming going on that
has the potential for ruining a great forum.

This is a discussion group, so any relavent Alpine discussion should
be welcomed. This should not need to be limited to original alpine
parts and problems.

Through the years, there have been a lot of people, do a lot of
repairs and the like on Alpines, who have moved on.

Much of the wisdom that they have taken with them, may be lost
forever if we dont pass it along.

This group SHOULD be a forum whereby people can get ANY
bit of advice or opinion on problems, part sources, get togethers

When people are flamed, it reduces their desire to participate
in discussions where thier advise/opinions would otherwise be

It is my opinion that as long as people get something from anything
that is put to this group, the "something" was worthwhile.

I have modified my car in such a way that would make is a reasonable
facsimily of a factory sanctioned race car for its era. This
means that it is modified as necessary to make relaible performance.
(Yes even the engineers at Rootes put parts in the Rootes race cars
that were not made at the Rootes factory nor even in England).

Most of my modifications are reversable, in that I can revert to
form by removing that which is modified, and install that which was not.

I do not weld, hack or otherwise permanently deface my car, but
certain required hardware like roll bar, fire equipment, fuel cell
and other mandatory safety equipment did require that I drill holes
in original sheetmetel (I will probably spend a year in Alpine purgatory
for said offenses).

I generally keep a functional non-modified version of every thing that
is modified in my garage (to the eternal frustration of my Wife).
(Also notice I capitalized Wife).

I have had my Alpine apart and back together quite a few times,
and with the exception of the steering box, know nearly every
idiosynchracy about my machine and many other Alpines.


If your machine runs good, gets good milage, gets you chicks or whatever
trips your trigger, great as long as it pleases YOU.

I will not critcize you for your opinions about what you do to/with your
and I ask that you not criticize others for what they may do to thier
After all they/you are the owners of said cars.

Those with modified cars, can boast performance or reliability or looks
or whatever.

Those with rock stock original cars, can boast about originality, higher
or whatever.

These cars are a joy to own and drive, so whatever your position, enjoy.

Jarrid Gross

1961 Series II with 1725 motor with American side draught manifold
and Japanese side draught carburators, and loving every piece of it.

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