Re: Mail Clean up - Please me!!!!

From: Lauri Lehtinen (lauri(at)
Date: Tue Apr 08 1997 - 15:36:20 CDT

> If you get one could you share a copy. This summer at a local
>British Car show the 1967 models will be shown together, sort of like a
>1967 showroom, and window stickers [esp 1967] would be great.
> Rob C
COULD YOU PLEASE (all of you lovely persons here and there) put a little
message, where upon the globe you live.

It is more than pleasing to find out someone has the same troubles in New
Zeland, BUT IT IS AS MUCH FRUSTRATING to try to find out where is the local
British Car Show.

For us europeans it is not very hard to drive trough one or two countries
into a meeting, but driving to Alberta needs a very long snorkel.

There might be live on Mars, but there sure is (archaic) live in Scandinavia.

Lars Broschyr
Larry Leaflet
Lorenzo Pamfletti


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