Brake booster color

From: Tom Yang (TYang(at)
Date: Mon May 19 1997 - 22:24:32 CDT

Well I got by brake booster back from the rebuilders. They said that my
Lucas rebuild kit went on without a hitch, and it was a straighforward
rebuild. I won't know how well it works until I install it this weekend. My
only complaint at this time is that they didn't wait long enough for the
paint to dry before they shipped it, so it got ruined by the plastic bag it
was packaged with. I was able to wipe off most of the paint with paint
thinner, and will try and paint it without taking the whole thing apart (
my sole reason for having someone else do it in the first place!).

Here's my question. What should I paint and what should I leave alone? I
know the aluminum should be left bare, along with the copper tube, but what
about the booster body. The shop painted the cylinder part semi-gloss
black, but left the back plate bare. When I took it off the car, it was
covered in light rust, so it was hard to tell what had been previously
painted. I'm not restoring this car to show condition, but figured, I'd
might as well do this right the first and last time! Thanks!

BTW. I too cannot lock up my brakes without the servo, but I'll let you all
know what happens after this weekend.


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