RE: Tachometer conversion

Jarrid Gross (GROSS(at)
Tue, 7 Jul 1998 09:15:00 -0700

---------- From: LOsoccer(at)

>My Ser III has a mechanical tack. I am putting in a 1750 engine that has
an >electric tack. I don't want to change the appearance of the tack face and
>would perfer the electric tack. Has any one made the switch? Does a Ser
V >tack look like a Ser III? Is there an adapter for the distributer for the
>mechanical tack? Help

I have a SV tach in my SII.

I personally dont think it looks good, and doesnt have all the correct lighting holes.

There was a person on the list that had made an extender shaft that could allow the early distributor and tach drive to be used on the 1725 engine.

The actually part seems very straightforeward, a rod, with a male and female tangential cut keyway. The rod had a minor diameter that was used to retain the rod, and to keep it all from wobbling.

I really would like the drawing, still out there?

Jarrid Gross