Re: Rubber trim fitting

From: herbeam (herbeam(at)
Date: Thu Apr 29 1993 - 09:31:46 CDT

I always use Super Weatherstrip cement to hold the rubber trim and cantrail
rubber in place. When changing the rubber on the windshield frame and
windshield to body take the windshield off the car and do both at the same
time. After removing the stainless trim, Cut the old windshield rubber on
the inside of the frame and pop the windshield out. Remove the old rubber .
Clean everything. Put the windshield in the new rubber using windshield
sealer and place a piece of cord in the remaining channel that secures the
windshield to the frame, crossing the ends somewhere near the top center of
the windshield. Press the windshield and rubber against the frame from the
front and slowly pull out the cord allowing the windshield rubber to overlap
the frame. Then restore the stainless trim.
I find it is easiest to form and glue the windshield to body rubber right to
the windshield frame, using duct tape to keep it in place taping down from
the windshield to the rubber in several spots, especially the ends. Then
place the windshield on the body and secure bolts , shimming the rubber
wedges at the doors until the angle and clearance between the wings is
sufficient. You also should have decided to or not to replace the dash pad
while you had all this apart. good luck Bob
-----Original Message-----
From: Espen.Holm(at) <Espen.Holm(at)>
To: alpines(at) <alpines(at)>
Date: Thursday, April 29, 1999 1:36 AM
Subject: Rubber trim fitting

>Hopin this gets through...
>I'm about to change some rubber trim, e.g. the softtop cantrails, the
>softtop to windshield list etc.
>Is normally some glue added to make the rubber attach better, or will
>the tiny channels hold sufficiently?
>Later I'll change the windshield screen rubber and the frame to body
>rubber: Any experience/ advice on this from anybody?

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