Re: Painting Wheel Rims

From: Paul Scofield (canisdog(at)
Date: Mon Nov 22 1999 - 08:46:49 CST

>Speaking from past experience who powder coats anything possible on my two

I too have been powder coating everything on my S3 GT restoration. The
powder coater I am using is no doubt, the best in the state. He is also
very cheep $$. ( at least for the locals) I think he has a web page and I
will post it for the board if I can find it.
I just finished the re-assemble of my steering box and column. It looks
As a point of interest. This guy has been powder coating the inside of gas
tanks (Harley's) for some time now. (shop trade secret) He offered to do
mine when I took them in for the outside coat. YOU CAN"T BELIEVE IT. The
inside of my tanks look as good as the outside. I am thrilled. I am also
relieved after the nightmare of sending my tanks to Gas Tank-Renu. They
wanted to cut hole in rust free tanks and then slop tar all over the
outside!! You may remember my nasty-gram and their response.
Anyway....if you can coat it....coat it.


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