Cutting Springs

From: Jay Laifman (Jay_Laifman(at)
Date: Tue Nov 30 1999 - 11:54:40 CST

I just spoke with Rick. He said that he knows the SI springs are different
from the SII, which are both different from the SIV and V. He assumed the
S3 ones are like the SII ones. He did not know if the S3 one would fit on
the SV front end. He repeated again, though Tiger owners try to deny it,
that later SV's springs were basically identical to Tiger ones - which
would explain the severe higher ride.

Anyone else have first hand knowledge of the differences between the
springs? I have available to me SII and SIII springs, but a SV front end.
Are they the same diameter so that they will fit? Or, is even that

He did say about the only thing to do is to cut the springs, and that 1/2"
of spring cut off drops the front end about 1 1/2".


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