Re: Cutting Springs

From: Scott Donnelly (oharajem(at)
Date: Tue Nov 30 1999 - 14:46:43 CST

Jay, Can you suggest how to go about cutting down the front springs? My SV
front end also sits unnaturally high (to my eye) with more than a fist width
between the fender and top of the tire (185 x 60 x 14). I assume that the
suggestion to cut the spring down a half inch refers to reducing it's stacked
height by .5" which would translate to several inches along the length of the
coil. Am I wrong?
Scott Donnelly

Jay Laifman wrote:

> I just spoke with Rick. He said that he knows the SI springs are different
> from the SII, which are both different from the SIV and V. He assumed the
> S3 ones are like the SII ones. He did not know if the S3 one would fit on
> the SV front end. He repeated again, though Tiger owners try to deny it,
> that later SV's springs were basically identical to Tiger ones - which
> would explain the severe higher ride.
> Anyone else have first hand knowledge of the differences between the
> springs? I have available to me SII and SIII springs, but a SV front end.
> Are they the same diameter so that they will fit? Or, is even that
> different?
> He did say about the only thing to do is to cut the springs, and that 1/2"
> of spring cut off drops the front end about 1 1/2".
> Jay

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