Re: timing cover removal

From: Greg Locke (glocke(at)
Date: Wed Mar 08 2000 - 11:51:50 CST

Hi brian,

If you need to get real drastic, I once removed a stubborn front bolt by
putting a good fitting socket wrench with a pipe on the handle on it and
rotating the engine clockwise till the handle was just about to hit the main
front crossmember. Then with the coil disconnected, giving the engine a
flick on the starter motor.

If any other listers have some serious doubts as to the soundness of this
method. please intervene, but it did work for me.


----- Original Message -----
From: brian steel <brian_steel(at)>
To: <alpines(at)>
Sent: Tuesday, 7 March 2000 08:35
Subject: timing cover removal

> david if the engine is out of the car and the strap wrench doesnt work
> on your flywheel and transmission bell housing cover and wedge a pry
> bar/screw driver in the flywheel teeth, then give it a go you can also use
> this method in the car just remove the starter, this method works best
> 2 people though, 1 other thing the thread is definetly conventional make
> sure you turn counter clockwise on the bolt, i just checked it on the
> engine i have sitting here, best of luck
> brian steel vancouver bc

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