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Re: radio

Subject: Re: radio
From: Pamela Pepoy <>
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 19:26:08 -0800
I'm sorry, but I had to share this.  Your post generated this strong image of
your wife basting your turkey with brake fluid.  I know everyone tells me I'm a
tad strange.  Just image what that sucker would taste like and the look on your
wife's face at that critical, life altering moment.
Happy New Year!
Tempe, AZ wrote:

> Mike,
> I'm sharing this with the list, there's some useful info.
> List:
> I cut a cookie sheet for the first radio console trim cover. Since then I
> found a better source of sheet metal at a hobby shop.
> Every time my wife retires something from the kitchen I grab it. Very
> useful stuff. Old frying pans are drip pans for bleeding brakes etc. Deep
> pans are for cleaning engine parts. Cookie sheets are great for tearing
> down carburetors and keeping the small parts together. Mesh strainers are
> good for rinsing small parts, nuts and bolts. Turkey baster thingees are
> good for sucking fluid like from the master cylinders.
> Just make sure your wife is discarding the stuff so she won't get upset
> about it missing!
> Fred - So.SF
> ________________ Reply Separator ___________________
> >Subject: Re: Re[2]: radio
> >Author:  "datsunmike" <>
> >Date:    1/5/2001 6:28 PM
> >
> >Fred,
> >
> >Yeah, the Rotozip looks nifty and a Dremel would take a long time and a lot
> >of wheels but they sure are handy. Especially cutting off frozen nuts!!
> >Ouch!!!!!!!!
> >
> >Cookie sheet?? That's creative. How did your wife take it??????
> >
> >Mike

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