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Re: I found out what exaclty causes zero compression!

To: "Mr. McDougall" <>
Subject: Re: I found out what exaclty causes zero compression!
From: "John F Sandhoff" <>
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 15:31:12 -0700
> What valves should I put in? Probably need new seals as well.

Seals, definitely. It's apart, so unless the seals you have are quite new
(both mileage and agewise), not replacing them now saves you very
little money now but could lead you to being in there again 'real soon'.

> springs? or not?

Your machinist should be able to decide. They will likely just want
to replace them, rather than cleaning, examining, and testing each
one (time = money). I don't know how much (or how available) new
ones are, though...

> I am thinking I should put all new valves as each piston
> has 2 dents in it.

Ummmmm, are you talking about machined indents to clear the
valves, or actual contact markings? If the valves are hitting, then
in overwhelming likelihood your head has been shaved too far and
you've got a new issue :-(

>   Also What does the stock cam say on it?  Mine says "255" on it..

That sounds like mine. Mine does not have an 'A' stamped on the
end so I've suspected it's an aftermarket, but I don't really know...

> Should I go with bigger valves or something?

If the stock ones are hitting, bigger will just  exacerbate the problem.

Unless you're trying to do something really special, the U20 head is
noted for having very good flow as-is. Personally, I wouldn't tinker
with it.

-- John
     John F Sandhoff   Sacramento, CA

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