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Re: Soft Mounting SU's

Subject: Re: Soft Mounting SU's
From: "Joe Boruch" <>
Date: Sun, 8 May 2005 04:37:13 GMT
I went thru the trouble of making my own spacers from aluminum plate with 
o-rings on both sides.  I then remembered that I had a Weber soft mount kit, so 
I tried that and liked it better than what I made, so I used the weber stuff.  

-- "Robert M. Lang" <> wrote:
I really like the Thackery washers for the Webers - no fuel foaming probs
at all with my TR6. I can see the rubber ones would work okay, but with
the Thackery washers (the split thingies), you can set 'em the same every
time. I also use about .030"

How about this FOT project - real isolator blocks made for 1.75" SU's (and
1.75" Strombergs). This would be a block made to use the 4 mounting studs
on the manifold, the o-rings and the thackery washers...

Would folks buy them?

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