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RE: Politics & LSers

Subject: RE: Politics & LSers
From: brian falkner <>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 16:50:03 +1300
Keith Wrote

<<is that a Motor Brian?  The Ford Flathead?  Never heard of them.... heard an
Ardun or two that make chills run down my spine..... But a Flat head?
When was it built?  and By Ford.... Geez I don't remember that being much of
a company until it bought Jaguar....and assimulated some real Class.....

Keith ( why yes as a matter of fact my head is Very much below the
table )( and honestly I don't care.... Ford Vs Chevrolet.... I only care
about Hp per dollar spent and ease of use )>>


Alrighty must be my turn...purple suits..molested teddy
bears...fake rocks...never heard of a Flathead...thinks Jaguar had class
pre Ford...uh huh..

 [Ford...Chev? =  Gore...Bush?]

Antipodean BDF [who really admires anything that works..its just that I was 
raised on Fords in a family business & then owned & ran it for some 20yrs]

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