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RE: Fuel Injection

To: "'Dick J'" <>, Rick Byrnes
Subject: RE: Fuel Injection
From: "Clay, Dale" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 06:58:07 -0700
Wow, Dick, you run an Air Force Base?!?!?!  LOL

Dale C.  :-)

                Subject:        Re: Fuel Injection

                 Well, I'm glad I decided to expose my ignorance and ask
this question about fuel injection. I have spent many hours, on cold winter
days, sitting in the Barnes and Noble book store reading books on fuel
injection, trying to figure it out, only to get PO'd and switch to some
other book and look at hot rod pictures instead.  This site is great. You
guys have managed to explain this voodoo stuff in terms that even l
understand.  Thanks
                Dick J (Still running an AFB!)  

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