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RE: select Cd figures

To: "'Nafzger'" <>, gary baker <>,
Subject: RE: select Cd figures
From: "Clay, Dale" <>
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 10:19:09 -0700
Dead on, Howard.  Closing the hole is absolutely key, and bikes don't do
that very well, they're just too short.

Dale C.

                Subject:        Re: select Cd figures

                An amateur opinion. It's easier to get into the air than to
get out of it. I
                think the reason bikes are so "dirty" is they don't get out
of the air well.
                If you could extend the back of the bike to a point and put
a streamline
                fairing on the back of the riders legs, arms, and back, I
think we would all
                be surprised at how fast you would go.
                I know you can't do that legally and I said this was an
amateur opinion. It
                would be interesting though.


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