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Re: waiting in line

To: "land speed" <>
Subject: Re: waiting in line
From: "DrMayf" <>
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2003 14:23:55 -0700
I did not suggest running by classes. But by the racers priority. Ie, look
at the big board, decide when you want to run, take a number. Listen to the
cb or whaat ever communications are bieng used. Call the number by block or
range of numbers. Those go to prestage to get ready, then stage (say 4 cars
max), run, when that group od numbers is half done or 3/4 done call the next
block of numbers: don't matter who they are or what classes. If slow downs
occur annoonce and update the big board at the registration trailer.

Are we just peeing in the wind here? I would love to spend some time drawing
up a plan for how something could work, but not if it is gonna be summarily
dismissed from the git go.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Warner" <>
To: "land speed" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 10:48 AM
Subject: waiting in line

> Ok how about this,
> Run like rounds at the drags. Special Construction, Vintage, Vintage
> etc run in order.
> As each category is near completion call the next up. Remember that the
> are two miles from the starting line and your "Magic Pass" 15 minute
> could be used up before you arrive at staging. You turn around to return
> wait for the next call. Get to the pits and its time to head back to the
> starting line.
> Some suggested a 5 minute time allotment per run. Some vehicles in the
> speed ranges, NT4, would expend that time before the 2 mile clock and be
> no time.
> People don't follow instructions very well up there. It's like hearding
> If you tell them please do not leave the pits until record runs are
> there will be 2-4 each morning that will have to be chased down and told
> return.
> Personally, I would rather go to staging when I want. Staying in the pits
> fiddle or visit is not what I go for. Enforcing strict polices for running
> your race car by adding more people is not an answer that I can see. We go
> fun not police tactics.
> I'm sure that a well thought out plan for changing the current situation
> be considered. Adding a third course has been kicked around for a couple
> years without a workable plan being devised.
> Letting cars do shake down runs in separtate area adds more policemen and
> insurance liabilites.
> Work out a plan, lets hear it. The two couser system and big top
> came from discussions like this.
> DW

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