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RE: Cooling ideas.

To: "Skip Higginbotham" <>,
Subject: RE: Cooling ideas.
From: "Dave Dahlgren" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 06:07:27 -0500
I still don't like the idea of dumping anything that can end up on the
course. it is cumulative over the day and you know we can have hot days and
we can have cool and damp ones as well. if it an 90 degree dry day I can see
the effects being small but what about a 60 degree day that is overcast?? if
you allow something like that I don't think you can put an evaporation rate
clause in. It might be fine for a personal meet but at speed week the course
can get torn up enough with out adding water to it as well. With your P51 it
does not seem like it could really effect the course for other planes on the
ground might be another matter. Personally I think water content in and on
the course has bearing on the traction available and that is the final
governor for speed.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Skip Higginbotham []
> Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 6:48 PM
> To: Dave Dahlgren; John Beckett; Bryan Savage
> Cc:;
> Subject: RE: Cooling ideas.
> Dave,
> On the Miss America P-51 we sprayed 40 gallons across the radiators
> (Engine, Aftercooler, Oil) in about 12 minutes to keep the door closed on
> the dog house. (Drag reduction added about 5 MPH) You could see a faint
> trail of vapor for a couple of hundred feet behind the airplane. I would
> expect that at the salt and on a 120 second pass there wouldn't be a need
> for more than about 2 or 3 gallons. Heck one could sweat that
> much......unless one dropped his/her Diet Coke.
> Skip
> At 07:49 AM 3/17/04 -0500, Dave Dahlgren wrote:
> >With the spray bars.,. what do you propose to offer the guy that
> has to make
> >a pass after you and there is 50 gallons of it on the race course??
> >Dave
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Also liked his spray bar cooling concept. That could work for my
> >> application
> >> as power levels go up along with the HP.
> >>
> >> JB

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