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Re: OK, lets trash NHRA, Nascar, IRL, Formula 1, etc, anybody

Subject: Re: OK, lets trash NHRA, Nascar, IRL, Formula 1, etc, anybody
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2006 18:29:31 EDT
So I would like to hear from all the "hate everything but LSR" racers out  
there. Tell me how you would have run NHRA or Nascar if you were at the 
 wheel? Come on, lets hear it!
Lay out some rules for me!
Let anything go except for basic safety rules? Run what you brung and  hope 
you brung enough?  That's exactically the way both organizations  started!!! 
You remember what it was like. I'm a gray beard myself and lived  through it in 
NHRA and on Nascar dirt tracks in the 50's thru today and I saw  what changed 
They didn't change it just to attract sponsors. Sponsors changed it all to  
attract customers off track!!! Don't blame NHRA or Nascar!!!!!!!! It's good old 
 American greed that caused it all.
I ask you again. Would you or have you even accepted oil/parts/money from  
any sponsors in exchange that you put their decal or name on your LSR??? If you 
say "sure", YOU are guilty of EXACTICALLY the same thing as the sports you  
condemn, only you ain't worth as much. 
It's monetarily smaller because nobody cares about LSR except the racers  and 
crews them selves. 
The same thing is actually happening to LSR, it's just taking longer, is on  
a smaller scale and nobody but me seems to realize it's happening. Toyota,  
GM, and other huge company's are already quietly sinking their teeth into LSR. 
They will without a doubt set records that will be far beyond the  grass 
roots racers like you all claim to be. Kiss the records goodbye, slowly  but 
surely. Here come the big boys, like it or not.
You want to walk the walk? Refuse any sponsorship and give  anything back you 
already got. Wipe all those company logo's and names off  your cars. Be 
independent like you claim. Outlaw any sponsorship, corporate or  otherwise. 
it small! Keep the good ol boys club alive and well. If you  don't, you will be 
left in the dust just like small NHRA and Nascar guys  were.
Sounds absurd doesn't it? BUT. Let me ask you this. 
Every year are there more and more racers in LSR? No question the lines are  
getting longer every year, agreed?
Every year do you see more and more highly sponsored cars with corporate  
backing? Undeniably yes!
Do these highly sponsored cars hold any records the small independent guy  
held before?
OK, now I want to hear how you would have run NHRA and Nascar.
The outcast

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