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Dan Hughes Day

Subject: Dan Hughes Day
From: The Richards <>
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 1996 11:49:19 -0500
I suggest that at least one of the Dan Hughes Day rituals be that each of us
tell at least one person of some stupid-and-or-humiliating thing we've done.
It would be best associated with LBCs. Like the time I was under my B
removing the starter and realized that the oil filter was in the way. NO
PROBLEM. Just pull out that bolt and remove filter. . .uh, next time drain
oil. Takes a long time to get oil out of you hair.  Or the time I was trying
to figure out what had gotten into the B on a drizzly cold day. Sputtering
and carrying on so. AH! The coil wire is loose! Never, ever push a coil wire
back in while the car is running and you are standing in a puddle of water
on a cold, drizzly day. Ouch, I thought my testicles would have to be
surgically lowered from my body. 
 There. I've taken care of two Dan Hughes Day observances.

Michael, New Bern, NC

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