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Re: Brake bias

Subject: Re: Brake bias
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 11:36:07 -0500
On Wed, 16 Jul 1997 11:20:20 -0400 Jurgen Hartwig
<> writes:
>At 08:40 AM 7/16/97 -0600, phil sims wrote:
>>The bad news is that MY rears locked and the back end slid harmlessly 
>>45 degrees before stopping.
>>OK, so do I back off on the rear adjusting screws a click or two, or 
>>there more to keeping the light back end rolling during a "panic" 
I had some trouble with my back brakes locking up on my MGA.  Came to
find out that the differential oil was leaking into the brake drums via a
bad seal, which is a fairly common problem on A's.  Check inside your
brake drums for oil.

David Littlefield
Houston, TX

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