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Re: tree huggers

To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: tree huggers
From: Steve Darby <>
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 10:37:55 -0700
Christopher G. Moog wrote:
> Steven Tritle wrote:
> > I guess you are a good too.
> >
> > Have a super day!
> > steve
> > 52 TD
> Just remember the EPA was started by a Republican administration.  The new EPA
> requirements for tighter emission testing of consumers cars was passed during 
> Republican administration (with a Republican majority in the senate).  Trading
> of emissions from dirty cars to factories was a Republican idea to allow "the
> market" to control the cost of clean air (if its cheaper to remove dirty cars 
> close very dirty factories then that should be done rather than installing new
> costly equipment at factories that are almost but not quite clean enough to
> comply with clean air regulations).  All these ideas make sense to me as long 
> no one is forced to sell their car or close their factory (as the laws are
> currently written - and don't start in with the camel in the tent stuff) just
> keep them from unduly dirtying the air.
> That said, some factions in the environmental movement are just concerned 
> controlling others lives and unfortunately these radicals are the ones the 
> media covers (the others are not nearly as newsworthy) so many think all
> environmentalist are from the tree hugger school.
> I myself don't like political labels since no one agrees with all of the
> policies of any party nor is any group consistent in its policies.
> Back to MGs
The EPA was started in a Democrat held Congress. All of the EPA laws
have been initiated by the Liberals that are the EPA.
The EPA like the FDA and all the other GOV'nt Org's listen to noone but
themselves to scare people in order to prepetuate their own jobs.
Steve Darby
Sports Cars International
6405 C0chiti SE
Albuquerque NM 87108

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